After WWII, the US government needed to protect and mothball expensive, extraneous equipment, from ships to planes. They needed to develop a product that could be sprayed onto and adhere to a variety of surfaces, last for years without maintenance, and protect items against water and aging deterioration.

What they developed was a unique PVC formula called Permaskin.

Scientists soon realised they had created a product with remarkable properties. The 1500 psi strength and amazing stretch-ability of Permaskin made it ideal for extreme exterior weather and immersion. Its various formulations provided a reliable solution for a number of commercial applications. In America today, Vm3 Permaskin is used to seal many areas where water can penetrate, and where a smooth, seamless finish is an advantage.

For example, Vm3 Permaskin is used in boating. In hospital operating theatres where hygiene is imperative, Vm3 Permaskin can be used to coat the floors, then up the wall, all without a join, so there are no microscopic cavities for germs to infiltrate. Roofs and swimming pools are coated with Vm3 Permaskin for flexible strength, long lasting colour and of course, waterproofing.

At Poly Pools, we are always looking for ways to improve, so it is with great pleasure that we are able to introduce this proven product to Australia.

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Reflections Pool and Spa Care

307 Preston Point Rd, Attadale WA 6156
Telephone: (08) 9330 7330
ABN 95 625 898 762